Cervical Cancer Screening Outcomes in a Refugee Population

Study Title: Cervical Cancer Screening Outcomes in a Refugee Population
Study Aims: To determine the prevalence of abnormal Pap tests and high-risk HPV genotypes within our refugee population cared for at the Jefferson Family Medicine Center for Refugee Health
Study Methods: Retrospective chart review
Focus: Women’s Health
Community: Bhutanese, Burmese, Iraqi, All refugee populations. Women, Age 21-65, Primarily Burmese, Bhutanese, and Iraqi and refugees from several other countries
Timeline: 2014
Summary of Recommendations: Pending
Researchers: Sarah Pickle MD, Marc Altshuler MD, Kevin Scott MD
Contact: kevin.scott@jefferson.edu
Affiliation: Jefferson Family Medicine Department

Full Text – Cervical Cancer Screening Outcomes in a Refugee Population